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If anyone asked me 20 years ago what my dreams are, I had one simple answer. To survive. 

Growing up as a child in a very unstable, abusive environment, I was forced to grow up very fast and take large amounts of risk and responsibility. I left home at 16 years old to live with my boyfriend’s family at the time. 

That’s the first time I’ve ever felt a sense of “home”... But due to the amount of school I missed due to depression, working and seeing a therapist, I got expelled from high school… And in the midst of moving around across the country, I ended up having my first kid at the age of 17. 

As I was holding my baby… There was only ONE thought in my mind.

“I’ll give my child the life that they deserve. A stable, safe and loving environment where they never have to worry about what they’ll eat the next day. And I’ll do whatever it takes”. 

Then my mind drew a blank. I survived the first 17 years of my life. But I’ve never thought of any possibilities as to what I could do to make it happen. 

I ran into a chicken or an egg situation. To start a career, you need a job opportunity. But nobody was willing to give a job to someone who couldn’t finish high school. It seemed like every job out there needed me to have at least a degree or two. 

But I wasn’t going to back down. It wasn’t just myself anymore. I was hungry for success. And my commitment to self education was unparalleled. 

I eventually found a full time entry level position in the restaurant industry. The job itself was simple. Conversing with people as a part of the job? Not so much. I was so used to moving around for the sake of survival that I’ve forgotten how to connect with people. 

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But being mediocre at my job wasn’t an option. I had to be the best in order to survive.

It was a series of small steps. But eventually, I learned how to converse and connect with literally anyone that walked into the door. I mastered juggling countless priorities, different positions and various demands in a very high pressure environment….

I fell in love with being around people and solving problems for them. Yet, I still didn’t see much possibility in myself. I didn’t even know there were other possibilities. 

But an opportunity came by to prove me wrong. I  ended up getting a job as an advertising sales consultant-- a job I never thought I’d get because I didn’t have a college degree. 

I loved my time there. (And of course, I killed it there like a #boss). But I’m truly grateful for that position because it proved my beliefs wrong. It even taught me the most life changing lesson.

As long as I can sell my value and deliver on it, the possibilities are limitless.

That position shifted me into the corporate ladder in various industries-- automobile, insurance, telecommunications, direct sales, consumer goods… I even sold tractors! Every position I took on, I was moving up. I was finally able to support myself and my children. And I finally landed a sales management opportunity at one of the biggest telecommunications companies in Canada. 

But something weird happened when I received my new business card. 

Was I happy? Of course. 

But did I really feel the whole “I made it in life?” feeling? Nope. 

I couldn’t shake off the thought, “there should be something more”. And even when I started working in my new position, training and managing countless sales representatives…. It wasn’t going away.

I made it in life. My children had a loving and safe home that I could financially provide for. I had a thriving career where my leadership abilities were being fully recognized. Finally.

So why wasn’t that thought going away? Where was this all coming from? 

This question was answered by someone I was least expecting an answer from-- my youngest.

My worst part of the day is leaving my youngest behind with my older children and the babysitter. And conflicts caused by people with terrible management skills at work were not helping. Even though I loved my job, I most looked forward to being home with my family. 

Every single day, I had to choose between my family and my job. And I hated that feeling. 

The corporate world, particularly for people in leadership positions, is not set up for mothers or people that want a great work-life-family balance. I wanted to create a space that allows not only myself, but also my team, to have flexibility to wear jeans to their office. 

And most of all.. Never having to choose between my family and my job ever again. 

Then I remembered a lesson that I learned a long time ago that I’ve forgotten about. 

As long as I can sell my value and deliver on it, the possibilities are limitless. So instead of selling and delivering my value to an employer, why not deliver it to the whole world? 

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The brain chatter stopped. And the rest, is history. 

I’ve been able to take my almost 2 decades of experience selling 50MM worth of products and services… And started to teach women owned businesses how to do the same. 

This turned into a multi 6 figure business with a remote team, and with a community of thousands of small business CEO’s who’s focused on making an impact just as much as I am. 

But what I love about my job the most? It elevates my clients and THEIR lives. 

Having the flexibility to attend soccer games, help with the school play, and tuck small ones in at bedtime without agonizing in front of the laptop… Thanks to business’s sales. 

That’s what I love the most. 

I want to leave you with this. 

As long as you can sell your value and deliver on it, the possibilities are limitless. No matter what ANYONE says. 

So when you’re ready to find out what that means for your business, come find me in my community or even in one of my programs. 

Let’s do some badass things together. 

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